About Heretaunga
Ehara taku toa he toa takitahi
Engari taku toa he toa takitini
My valour is not that of the individual
but that of the multitude
A united school that is relevant to the students, to equip them for life.
Te Ara Ako
Managing Learning - Being Resilient - Open Minded
School Motto & Crest
Our school motto is – Character and Knowledge – Growth of self knowledge and character attained at school. Our school crest reflects the special features of our local area including the Heretaunga Plains, sea and rivers, the hills, Maori migration by canoe, and the contributing schools.
School History
Our Intermediate was officially opened by the mayor, Mr Ron Giorgi, on March 17 1960. It was initially called Hastings Intermediate No. 2 and had a roll of 230 pupils. The name Heretaunga was adopted in late 1960, and its literal Maori translation is “Here” – a tying up place and “Taunga” – to become closely acquainted meaning "a gathering place where the canoes were tied up".