School Donation
For 2023, the Heretaunga Intermediate School Board of Trustees adopted the government scheme of not asking for donations in response to receiving $150 per pupil from the government.
There are still areas where the school can request payment in order for events to take place, examples include transport, food, accommodation.
While no child can be disadvantaged, learning programmes may not be able to go ahead if there is not sufficient financial contribution from whanau.
Heretaunga Intermediate School Payment Details:
Account Name: Heretaunga Intermediate School Board of Trustees
Bank: ANZ Stortford Lodge
Account Number: 060738 0107007 00
Please state the details of your payment:
Student’s Name (Surname and initial)
Student’s Room
What the payment is for: Room 27 Trip, Donation, S.E.T. Time
A receipt for your school donation will be sent home with your child in due course. Receipts for other payments are available on request.